Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Voting Machine Problems

Last night I watched the HBO documentary "Hacking Democracy," which discusses potential problems with many of the electronic voting machines being used throughout the country today. If you haven't seen the film yet, try to catch it sometime this week it is very disturbing how easily an election could be manipulated.
So as I went to vote this morning I was already concerned about the integrity of the election using these machines, but what choice do we have I HAD TO VOTE!! So I fill out my ballot and go to insert it into the scanner that counts and records the ballot. I live in a small area and we only have one scanner for the entire polling venue. Anyway, I go to insert my ballot and notice an election worker standing next to the machine on the phone trying to get a hold of someone at the board of elections, because the scanner was flashing that it had a low battery and they were afraid it was going to lose power all together. IT WAS 9:30 AM!!! I know if I'm going to have a busy day, I make sure to charge my cell phone overnight. Don't you think that would be a top priority especially, if there is only one machine for the entire place! I reluctantly put my ballot in, but this is a serious issue that needs to be addressed ASAP, the integrity of our democracy depends on it!

P.S. If you do have problems at the polls today you can report the issue by calling 1-866-OUR-VOTE

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