Friday, May 11, 2007

We Actually Won!

The Ethical Society's First Annual Trivia Night, I posted about previously, was a complete success! Although we could always use more teams and sponsors for next year--I will let everyone in plenty of time the next time it comes around! Best of all, our team came in first! Thanks to Amy, Brenda, Ron, and our new friends Liz, Chuck, Cindy, and Jim for all their hard work. Out of the 100 questions (10 rounds of 10) we got 77 correct, in categories such as History, Mexico (it honor of it being cinco de mayo), Geography, Sports and Games, and Music. Everyone ate a lot of chips and salsa and had a great time!

The reason it took my so long to post this great news is because Alena had a fever and was kinda pitiful last weekend and when I took her the the doctor on Monday, they diagnosed her with a double ear infection (OUCH!) None of my kids have ever had an ear infection before (thankfully!), so this was a first for me. A few days on antibiotics and she's as good as new. Unfortunately, I also got sick on Monday and when I went to the doctor on Wednesday, they said I had bronchitis. Needless to say, it has been a rough week! Alex and Brian also have the sniffles and have been lazier than usual, but Brady gets First Prize for the best immune system in the house- he has yet to be sick (knock on wood).

I missed work and school all this week since I was sick, so I will be working my butt off this weekend and next week to try to catch up. I am so happy summer is just around the corner!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hope you are feeling better. I sure missed you on Thurs.!