Friday, October 19, 2007

I got the job! YIPPEE!

I have been trying to find a full-time job since I graduated from college in June. In August I applied at the St. Charles County Prosecuting Attorney's Office to be a Victim Advocate. I interviewed for the job, but they ended up giving it to another girl who had previously held the position and was moving back to the area. They said I was the first runner up, which was nice to hear especially since there were 88 applicants for one job, but I still didn't have a job so I kept looking and looking and looking. Then last week (two months after I had initially applied) I got a call wanting me to come in for a second interview with the Prosecutor Jack Banas. Apparently the lady who they had originally been given the job was unable to accept it due to a pending divorce (her ex didn't want her to leave the state with the kids) and me as first runner up was given a second shot at the job. The interview went well and I will officially start on October 30th! My title is Victim Assistance Counselor, which basically means I help victim's of crime through the court system. I inform them about upcoming court dates, keep them updated about the status of their case and I accompany them to court when the time comes. I will also be in charge of training and overseeing college students doing internships in the department. The job pays great, has great benefits, and I think I will be really good at it. I'm sooooooooo excited! It will be quite an adjustment for everyone in the house since I have never had a full-time job before, but it will be a good thing for the entire family in the long run. I will have to become one of those real people with a real job. I will have to get up at 6am and go to bed at 10pm which is quite a scary concept for this night owl, but I'm sure I will get use to it eventually. That's about it for now- times they are a changin'. Amy, Amber, and I are taking all the kids to the Pumpkin Patch tomorrow so hopefully I will post next week with some cute pics from Eckerts.

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