Friday, September 22, 2006

Spanish Senility

The boys began taking Spanish again this school year. They stay an hour after school on Wednesdays every week for the entire school year. Their school offers this program through 8th grade and then they can take it in high school, so they will probably take Spanish once per week until they graduate. They aren't real thrilled about it right now, since it is just a review of everything they already know, but I keep telling them they will thank me someday. Some parents make their kids play soccer or the tuba, I'm making mine learn a second language-- at least that's useful!
So anyway I'm sitting at home Wednesday watching the Days of our Lives episode I had TiVo'ed earlier. The boys typically get off the bus about 3:45, so at about 4 when they still hadn't arrived home I started wondering why they were late. "Maybe they had a new driver or they changed the route," I pondered. I finished my program go back to change Alena, when I glanced at her clock which read 4:15, "I wonder where your brothers are?" When I remembered they were at Spanish and I was suppose to pick them up at 4:15! We hadn't planned on going anywhere that day so we were both still in our PJ's, so I threw on clothes and raced to the school. Luckily Alena's clock was a little fast, so I got there just in time to sneak into the back of the line, that was moving particularity slow that day. Crisis averted! I'm pretty confident I won't forget Spanish again-- arrepentido, los chicos!

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