Monday, April 03, 2006

Spring Break at the Lenk House

The boys finally went back to school today after having the longest spring break ever. They have been off school since March 22 and we all actually had a lot of fun, but I'm really glad they went back, the house is so much more quiet.
Their spring break festivities started with Alena's party, which consumed most of the first weekend. Monday at our house is pizza night, and last Monday we went to Saullo's and the boys got to watch their favorite show- Deal or No Deal while we ate. They love that show because they are obsessed with numbers, but I'm finding they have an increasing infatuation with all the women on the show as well-- they are growing up fast!
On Tuesday and Thursday they went to the YMCA while I went to work. They got to swim, play basketball, play video games, etc. They really enjoyed it, although between the cost of the Y and Alena's babysitter I basically worked for nothing those days, but at least I didn't have to take off work again, plus by then we all needed a break from each other anyway, so it worked out quite well. After the Y, they went to the pool hall with Brian on Tues. evening. Brian plays on a league there and they watched him and got to play video games all night. I met them there after court and we all went to Denny's (kids eat free on Tues.--it's great!)
Wednesday we just lounged around and watched movies, the best of which was probably Zathura, even it wasn't much to brag about, but apparently 8 year old boys like it. Alex had already read the book, so he knew what was going to happen, but he didn't spoil it for the rest of us. Thursday they went back to the YMCA and then hung out with Brian all evening while I bowled.
It was a nice day on Friday, windy but nice, so we went and picked up Wendy's and took it to the park for a picnic. The park was packed, so the boys got to play with some friends they saw there, Alena got to go down the slide, and then we all took a walk. Saturday was rather uneventful, but it was still nice so they played outside much of the day, while I did laundry and cleaned house. On Sunday, Brian, Jeff, and I split fire wood until the rain came, so the boys were in charge of watching Alena while they watched the Nascar race. Brian and the boys all love Nascar and their favorite driver is Tony Stewart, so everyone was extremely excited when Tony won the race. It was difficult to get the boys to go to bed last night since they got in the habit of staying up a little later during their break. It was even harder to get them up this morning, but now they back to school at least for the next two weeks and then they get the Friday before and Monday after Easter off as well. I don't remember getting this many days off when I was in school, but maybe we did.
Next year we may try to go to the Cardinals spring training during their break, but we will see how it goes. Speaking of, today is the Cardinals opening day,YIPPEE, we are all so excited that baseball is finally back.

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